Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Voice of a Sailor

The great thing about editors is, when they're not busy chopping up your latest example of genius, they can be pretty good for the ego. Sometimes they even have good timing.

Since I am still not feeling well (not feverish--98.2 at last check--just not well), I was happy to discover that I don't have to write about me this week because my editor at Sail magazine did it for me.  He's not a bad writer, either...


Anonymous said...

I've had exactly one--JUST ONE--editor, in 26 years in journalism, that I would put in a category with this guy. The category: Editor with a Heart. (Much different from the other categories: Editor who is an Insecure Bitch, Editor who is Stupid and Editor who, apparently, was born in the back of a Greyhound bus station.)


Mrs. Jagger said...

This writer of "VOICE OF A ROCK STAR WANNA-BE" truly loved reading such beautifully expressed thoughts about Margie. Having only two emotions ("love" and "not love"), rock star writer loves the soon-to-be-famous quote: "In the end, the questions about how you die become a lesson in how to live which, barring suicide, is the only part we have any control over anyway." Thanks to both sailor-bloggers for the important life lessons.